Generator Group (Generator) are consulting the community on proposals to develop in the region of 150 new homes at the land to the north of Conway Close and Swallow Close.
East Suffolk Council formally adopted the Suffolk Coastal Local Plan in September 2020. The plan includes a strategy for growth in Felixstowe, including Policy SCLP12.4 that designates the land to the north of Conway Close and Swallow Close as a location for the creation of up to 150 new homes. The land is enclosed by Ferry Road, Gulpher Road, Park Farm and the edge of the existing town.
Generator Group is preparing an application for outline planning permission to create up to 150 new homes, associated infrastructure and public open space. The application will be designed in accordance with Policy SCLP12.4 and all other standards set by the new local plan.
Proposed scheme
The application for outline planning permission is the next stage in securing approval for the creation of up to 150 new homes, associated infrastructure and public open space. The principle of residential development has already been established by the local plan, with the submission of an application for outlining planning permission being the next step, before the details of the layout and of the individual houses can be advanced. Through this application for outline planning permission, we are responding to the technical site constraints and setting the parameters within which the detailed scheme will be advanced in the future. For example, the application will confirm that one in three of the new homes will be designated as affordable housing (in line with local plan requirements), and that there is capacity within the existing local infrastructure to serve the site. It will also confirm the community benefits that will be secured through the creation of the new homes, including new open space and a play area within the site, an upgrade to the existing public footpath, and assisting with the delivery of the new leisure centre, sports facilities, schools and bus services in the North Felixstowe Garden Neighbourhood.
Image of illustrative layout
The illustrative layout that will be submitted with the application for outline planning permission shows one way that the site could be developed. At this stage technical studies have been undertaken to ensure there has been no change in infrastructure capacity needed to serve the site since the scrutiny and adoption of the Local Plan. This process is a prerequisite that East Suffolk District Council expects to be confirmed that ensures deliverability. Details of the site layout and the appearance of the new homes will follow at the next stage, after the application for outline planning permission has been approved. These, too, will be in accordance with the site allocation and other policies as set out in in the local plan. At this stage, we would like to hear your views on the constraints and technical issues that should be given due consideration in finalising our plans.
Access to Site and Constraints
An application for outline planning permission seeks to address the principles of the development of the site, setting the framework that enables the details of the layout and appearance of the new homes to be submitted at the next stage (these are called the “reserved matters”). The residential use of the land has already been set by the local plan, therefore we are seeking approval of elements that are to be fixed in order to allow up to 150 new homes to be delivered, which include:
- Vehicle entrance from Ferry Road, to the north of the new junction with Ranson Road and in accordance with the standards set by Suffolk County Council.
- A new footway on the west side of Ferry Road as far as the new junction, connecting into the existing path that stops outside number 83.
- Retention of the existing trees on the west side of Ferry Road, taking account of the works needed to add the new footway.
- Keeping the existing public footpath on its definitive alignment, running immediately behind the existing properties on Swallow Close and Conway Close.
- Creation of a connection to the Garden Neighbourhood, in addition to the link that is already provided by the public footpath.
- Provision of a foul water pumping station on the lowest part of the site as part of infrastructure improvements, connecting into the improvements to the existing system that have been delivered by the scheme at Laureate Fields.
- Provision of sustainable drainage to minimise flood risk, including attenuation works within the site.
Have your say
Generator would like to thank everyone that has taken the time to review our proposals and submit their feedback. As of the 10th May, the consultation period has closed. We are currently considering all comments ahead of our application. Our phone line and project email remain open and we are happy to answer any questions you may have on the plans.